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Depending on what you want to achieve with KSYNC there are three sync modes available. A quick summary of what they do and when to use them can be found below:

BLOCK-SYNCSyncs blocks from the node's current height up to a specified target height.Generally recommended for archival node runners, who want to have a full node containing all blocks.
STATE-SYNCApplies a state-sync snapshot to the node. After the snapshot is applied, the node can continue block-syncing from the applied snapshot height.Generally recommended for new node runners, who want to join a network in minutes without wanting to sync the entire blockchain.
HEIGHT-SYNCFinds the quickest way out of state-sync and height-sync to get to the specified target height.Generally recommended for users who want to check out a historical state within minutes at the specified target height for analysis.


Because KSYNC uses the blocks and snapshots archived by the KYVE storage pools you first have to check if those pools are available in the first place for your desired chain and block height.

Depending on the KYVE network, you can find all available data pools here:

Depending on the sync mode you use, the data pools need to run on the following runtimes:

  • block-sync: @kyvejs/tendermint or @kyvejs/tendermint-bsync
  • state-sync: @kyvejs/tendermint-ssync
  • height-sync: @kyvejs/tendermint or @kyvejs/tendermint-bsync and @kyvejs/tendermint-ssync


Syncing to latest available height

Depending on your current node height (can be also 0 if you start syncing from genesis) you can sync up to the latest height available by the storage pool. KSYNC will automatically exit once that height is reached.

ksync block-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --block-pool-id=<pool-id>

Syncing to specified target height

Depending on your current node height (can be also 0 if you start syncing from genesis) you can sync up to your desired target height. KSYNC will automatically exit once that height is reached.

ksync block-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --block-pool-id=<pool-id> --target-height=<height>


Use block-sync to sync your Osmosis node with validated KYVE data to height 42,000:

To block-sync Osmosis you have to download and set up the correct Osmosis binary. To sync from genesis the version v3.1.0 has to be used. You can download them here or build them from source:

Verify installation with:

./osmosisd version

After the installation, init the config:

./osmosisd init <your-moniker> --chain-id osmosis-1

Download the genesis:

wget -O ~/.osmosisd/config/genesis.json

Now that the binary is properly installed, KSYNC can already be started:

ksync block-sync --binary="/Users/alice/osmosisd" --home="/Users/alice/.osmosisd" --block-pool-id=1 --target-height=42000


Syncing to latest available snapshot height

You can state-sync a node if it has no height (either node has to be just initialized or reset with ksync unsafe-reset-all) to the latest available snapshot archived by the pool with the following command. If the storage pool has synced with the live height this can be used to rapidly join this network.

ksync state-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --snapshot-pool-id=<pool-id>

Syncing to specified snapshot height

You can state-sync a node if it has no height (either node has to be just initialized or reset with ksync unsafe-reset-all) to your desired target height. The target height has to be the exact height of the archived snapshot. If the specified height can not be found it prints out the nearest available snapshot height you can use.

ksync state-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --snapshot-pool-id=<pool-id> --target-height=<height>


Will be added when the Archway State-Sync pool on Kaon is live.


Syncing to latest available block height

You can height-sync a node if it has no height (either node has to be just initialized or reset with ksync unsafe-reset-all) to the latest available height. This is especially useful for joining a new network if the user wants to join as quick as possible.

ksync height-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --snapshot-pool-id=<pool-id> --block-pool-id=<pool-id>

Syncing to specified target height

You can height-sync a node if it has no height (either node has to be just initialized or reset with ksync unsafe-reset-all) to your desired target height. The target height can be any height (but the block data pool must have archived it), then it will use available state-sync snapshots and block-sync to get to the target height as quickly as possible

ksync height-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --snapshot-pool-id=<pool-id> --block-pool-id=<pool-id> --target-height=<height>


Will be added when the Archway State-Sync pool on Kaon is live.