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Even with the right setup and careful maintenance, it's possible to encounter app-hash errors or other unexpected problems that can lead to node collisions and resyncs from Genesis. Especially when you're dealing with syncing an archival node, it's a good idea to create periodic backups of the node's data.

KSYNC offers precisely this option for creating backups. There are two different methods to utilize this:

1. BLOCK-SYNC-Backups

With block-sync, nodes can be synced by KSYNC from any height up to the latest height available by the storage pool. Backups can be created automatically at an interval, with the following parameters:

--home                 string   'home directory of the node (e.g. ~/.osmosisd)'
--backup-interval int 'block interval to write backups of data directory (set 0 to disable backups)'
--backup-keep-recent int 'number of latest backups to be keep (0 to keep all backups)'
--backup-compression string 'compression type used for backups ("tar.gz","zip"), if not compression given the backup will be stored uncompressed'
--backup-dest string 'path where backups should be stored [default = ~/.ksync/backups]'

When the specified backup-interval is reached (height % backup-interval = 0), KSYNC temporarily pauses the sync process and creates a backup. These backups are duplicates of the node's data directory (e.g. ~/.osmosisd/data). If compression is enabled (e.g. using --backup-compression="tar.gz"), the backup is compressed and the original uncompressed version is deleted after successful compression in a parallel process.


Because backups are disabled by default, it's only required to set backup-interval, whereas the other flags are optional. Since the creation of a backup takes steadily longer as the data size grows, it is recommended to choose an interval of more than 20000 blocks.

Example command to run block-sync with compressed backups:

ksync block-sync --binary="/path/to/<binaryd>" --home="/path/to/.<home>" --block-pool-id=<pool-id> --target-height=<height>
--backup-interval=50000 --backup-compression="tar.gz"

2. Backup-Command

The backup functionality can of course also be used with a standalone command. In this case everything runs in one process where the following flags can be used:

--home                 string   'home directory of the node (e.g. ~/.osmosisd)'
--backup-keep-recent int 'number of latest backups to be keep (0 to keep all backups)'
--backup-compression string 'compression type used for backups ("tar.gz","zip"), if not compression given the backup will be stored uncompressed'
--backup-dest string 'path where backups should be stored [default = ~/.ksync/backups]'


ksync backup --home="/Users/christopher/.osmosisd" --compression="tar.gz"

Overwrite default endpoints

KSYNC retrieves data from different sources, including a KYVE chain and a storage provider endpoint. Depending on the specified chain-id, the default KYVE chain endpoints are:

Whereas the default storage provider endpoints are:

For several reasons, you can overwrite the default endpoints with your preferred ones. For this purpose, only add the following flags to all commands that are using the listed endpoints:

--chain-rest   string      overwrite KYVE chain rest endpoint
--storage-rest string overwrite storage provider rest endpoint


Use the KYVE chain US endpoint to block_sync your Osmosis node:

ksync block-sync --chain-rest="" --binary="/Users/alice/osmosisd" --home="/Users/alice/.osmosisd" --block-pool-id=1 --target-height=42000


You can enable useful metrics through the --metrics flag for all syncing commands. By default, it's exposed on http://localhost:8080/metrics and you can specify a custom port with --metrics-port.

The exposed metrics include the following information:

"latest_block_hash": "A6C59D5F7487B95B32B71EB97F8FE0EE7BE7B512044FC53B6C4A706594167AF9",
"latest_app_hash": "6BF3787314EC5C1B8FF08334193A31EF562CFE6700C3E6B604C31FD053F7FAF4",
"latest_block_height": "180",
"latest_block_time": "2021-06-18T22:03:40.861352885Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "C8DC787FAAE0941EF05C75C3AECCF04B85DFB1D4A8D054A463F323B0D9459719",
"earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
"earliest_block_height": "1",
"earliest_block_time": "2021-06-18T17:00:00Z",
"catching_up": true