1. Run a Cosmovisor Osmosis node with the supervysor
To run an Osmosis node with the Cosmovisor you have to download and set up the correct binaries. You can see a more detailed introduction here.
Verify the correct installation and setup with the successful start of the node syncing ~ 2,000 blocks:
cosmovisor run start [flags]
With your node being able to run using Cosmovisor, you can stop the process and install the supervysor to start optimize this process for KYVE purposes. After the installation, you can initialize the supervysor with the following command:
supervysor init \
--binary '/root/go/bin/cosmovisor' \
--chain-id 'kyve-1' \
--home '/root/.osmosisd' \
--pool-id 1 \
--seeds '6bcdbcfd5d2c6ba58460f10dbcfde58278212833@osmosis.artifact-staking.io:26656,ade4d8bc8cbe014af6ebdf3cb7b1e9ad36f412c0@seeds.polkachu.com:12556'
After the successful initialization you can start your node with:
supervysor start
The supervysor then will start an Osmosis node as data source for the pool with the ID 1 of the KYVE Mainnet.