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Run an Osmosis node

The Osmosis Full Node will act as the source for the KYVE protocol validator and is required. You can either run the Osmosis node on the same machine with the KYVE protocol together (recommended) or on a seperate machine.


Due to very specific requirements, an additional validation layer, accessibility as well as to prevent slashes, it is strongly recommended to run an independent data source node. API providers should be avoided and have already led to critical problems in the past.

Install Osmosis full node

The Osmosis binary with the version v3.1.0 has to be installed. There are two ways to install and run the binary:

1. Install Osmosis Binary manually

You can follow the official installation instructions here or download the binary directly from here.

You can verify the successful installation with

./osmosisd version

After the successful installation, you need to set up the osmosisd config. First choose a moniker and initialize everything:

./osmosisd init <your-moniker> --chain-id osmosis-1

To download and setup the genesis file execute the following command:

wget -O ~/.osmosisd/config/genesis.json

Peers can be added via this addrbook which can be retrieved here:

mv addrbook.osmosis.json ~/.osmosisd/config/addrbook.json
chmod 666 ~/.osmosisd/config/addrbook.json

TIP: You can also add persistent_peers from Polkachu to ensure that you will actually find peers where you can sync with the network:


Due to the size of the block_results response, it is required to set the following in your ~/.osmosisd/config/config.toml:

timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "120s"

For efficient pruning, the following settings are recommended to decrease the disk usage:



indexer = "null"


pruning = "everything"

index-events = [""]

Finally, the node can be started:

./osmosisd start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants

ATTENTION: To be able to perform upgrades automatically, it is recommended to use the cosmovisor. How to set it up can be found here.

To start the Osmosis node with the cosmovisor, run:

cosmovisor run start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants

WARNING: Because Osmosis had 3 hard forks (off-chain software upgrades), it's strongly recommended to disable binary downloads with DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=false. More information about managing the hard forks can be found here

2. Osmosis Docker Container

To get the latest Osmosis node image, run:

docker pull kyve/osmosis:latest

To start the node, simply run:

docker run --restart unless-stopped -p kyve/osmosis --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants

INFO: To prevent data loss, it is recommended to use a Docker volume in the running container.


# create the volume named osmosisd and select an empty directory:
docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=none \
--opt device=<path_to_empty_directory> \
--opt o=bind \

# start the container and map the volume to the container
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
-p \
-v osmosisd:/root/.osmosisd \
kyve/osmosis --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants

INFO: When creating the volume, you must ensure that the <path_to_empty_directory> folder is empty and writable by your docker service.

Verifying the completed node setup

After the successful start of the node you have to sync blocks until the latest summary of the pool is reached. For example if the latest pool summary is 1,000,000 you can check if the node has synced the blocks until that height with:

curl http://localhost:26657/block?height=1000000

If it returns a valid block response you can continue with starting the actual KYVE protocol validator and start participating in the validation and archival process.

TIP: to save storage space you can start pruning blocks manually after they have been archived by the pool since after that they are not needed anymore.

Managing hard forks

Osmosis had three software upgrades which were executed without submitting SoftwareUpgrade governance proposals. As a result, the cosmovisor does not recognize these necessary upgrades, which is why the node can no longer sync from a specific height. These hard forks occured at the following heights:

To prevent longer syncing breaks or other issues, it's recommended to use the cosmovisor with already downloaded binaries. After that, you need to move

  • the osmosisd v6 binary in the upgrades/v5/bin directory,
  • the osmosisd v8 binary in the upgrades/v7/bin directory and
  • the osmosisd v10 binary in the upgrades/v9/bin directory.

The dockerized Osmosis node is built with this setup by default.