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This section will deal with the installation for the KYVE protocol validator.

Install KYVE protocol validator

Install KYSOR

Get the latest release of the KYSOR binaries here

Once you have the latest version for you operating system simply pull them down:

mv kysor-linux-x64 kysor
chmod 700 kysor

To verify that the KYSOR runs successfully just run

./kysor version

Initialize KYSOR

After the successful installation of KYSOR it now needs to be initialized. Depending on the network you want to join a different configuration needs to be passed to the init options.

Official Mainnet endpoints:

EU RPC: ''
EU API: ''

US RPC: ''
US API: ''

Depending on your geolocation certain endpoints can be used as a primary and secondary endpoints. Primary endpoints are used by default, secondary ones only when the primary fails and so on. It is also possible to only use one or more than two. It is important that the number of endpoints used for rpc and api are equal.

./kysor init \
--chain-id 'kyve-1' \
--rpc '<primary_rpc>,<secondary_rpc>,...' \
--rest '<primary_api>,<secondary_api>,...'

Once you have initialized KYSOR you can verify the successful initialization by printing out the home directory:

ls ~/.kysor

There should be a config.toml file where the configurations you just defined are saved. You can change those at any time if you want.

Create the Valaccount

Now that KYSOR is initialized we move on to the next step. For every pool you run on a valaccount has to be created. A new valaccount with a new mnemonic can be created in the following way:

./kysor valaccounts create \
--name 'axelar' \
--pool 2 \
--storage-priv "$(cat path/to/arweave.json)" \

This will create a axelar.toml file under the KYSOR home directory in ~/.kysor/valaccounts/ where all the other valaccounts are stored. There you can view your valaccount config.

If you want to create a valaccount from an existing mnemonic just add the --recover flag like this:

./kysor valaccounts create \
--name axelar \
--pool 2 \
--storage-priv "$(cat path/to/arweave.json)" \
--metrics \

This will prompt you to enter the mnemonic you want to import. More help on how to manage valaccounts can be found with ./kysor valaccounts --help


ATTENTION: Since the valaccount config files store the valaccount's mnemonic and the wallet keyfile for the storage provider you should never share this file with anyone.

Loosing the mnemonic of the valaccount can cause a timeout slash. If a third party ever gets hold of the mnemonic an upload slash can be the worst case since they have control over the vote and upload behaviour of the node. Loosing the private keyfile of the storage provider means loosing your funds.

Install Pool Binaries

In the last step of the installation process of KYSOR the actual pool runtime binaries need to be installed in KYSOR.

General KYSOR Directory Structure

Knowing where KYSOR saves it's logs and binaries can be helpful. The example below shows the following setup: The KYSOR runs on two pools with pool id 0 and 2. Pool 2 is still running on version 0.8.6 while pool 0 has already upgraded from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7

├── config.toml
├── logs
│   └── 2022-09-29T08:38:24.513Z.log
│   └── 2022-09-29T09:29:22.219Z.log
├── upgrades
│   ├── pool-0
│   | ├── 1.8.6
│   | | ├── bin
│   | | │   └── kyve-linux-x64
│   | | ├── cache
| | | │   ├── 234.json
| | | │   └── ...
│   | | └── logs
│   | | ├── 2022-09-29T08:23:02.003Z.log
│   | | └── 2022-09-29T08:23:24.953Z.log
│   | └── 1.8.7
│   | ├── bin
│   | │   └── kyve-linux-x64
│   | ├── cache
| | │   ├── 567.json
| | │   └── ...
│   | └── logs
│   | └── 2022-09-29T08:23:24.953Z.log
│   └── pool-2
│   └── 0.8.6
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── kyve-linux-x64
│   ├── cache
| │   ├── 3847.json
| │   └── ...
│   └── logs
│   └── 2022-09-29T08:23:02.003Z.log
└── valaccounts
├── cosmoshub.toml
└── osmosis.toml
└── axelar.toml

Here the following directories have the following reason:

  • .kysor - KYSOR home directory, created with init command
  • config.toml - general KYSOR config, created with init command
  • logs - logs folder containing KYSOR log files. Each log file is a run from start to end where the date is the starting date
  • upgrades - most important directory, contains all the binaries for every pool
  • upgrades/pool-$id - holds every binary of every installed version of the specified pool
  • upgrades/pool-$id/$version - acts as a home directory for a specific binary, contains binary cache, logs and actual protocol validator binary
  • upgrades/pool-$id/$version/bin - holds actual node binary
  • upgrades/pool-$id/$version/cache - contains cached data relevant for the protocol validator
  • upgrades/pool-$id/$version/logs - logs folder for the protocol validator of that version and pool. Each log file is a run from start to end where the date is the starting date
  • valaccounts - contains all the valaccount config files with which the KYSOR can run on a pool

Binary Installation

If you run with KYSOR and have auto download enabled (which is not recommended for Mainnet and Kaon) you can skip the manual binary installation. If you want to run the binaries with or without KYSOR you have to install them manually.

Depending on the runtime the binary installation differs. For Axelar we have to install the binary from the @kyvejs/tendermint runtime.

Build from source

The first option to install the binary is to build it from source. For that you have to execute the following commands:

git clone
cd kyvejs

If you want to build a specific version you can checkout the tag and continue from the version branch. If you want to build the latest version you can skip this step.

git checkout tags/@kyvejs/tendermint@x.x.x -b x.x.x

After you have cloned the project and have the desired version the dependencies can be installed and the project build:

yarn install
yarn setup

Finally, you can build the runtime binaries.

INFO: During the binary build log warnings can occur. You can safely ignore them.

cd integrations/tendermint
yarn build:binaries

You can verify the installation with printing the version:

./out/kyve-linux-x64 version

After the build succeeded you can find the binaries in the out folder where you can move them to use desired location (like KYSOR).

Move binary to KYSOR

mv ./out/kyve-linux-x64 ~/.kysor/upgrades/pool-<id>/<version>/bin/

Download prebuilt binary

You can find all prebuilt binaries in the releases of the kyvejs repository. For this specific runtime they can be found here.

You can verify the installation with printing the version:

./kyve-linux-64 version

Once you have downloaded the binary for the correct platform and version you can simply unzip them and move them to your desired location (like KYSOR).

After you have installed the binary you can proceed to move it to the correct location so KYSOR can use it:

mkdir -p ~/.kysor/upgrades/pool-<id>/<version>/bin
cd ~/.kysor/upgrades/pool-<id>/<version>/bin

To verify the version and the runtime of the binary simply call the version command:

./kyve-linux-x64 version

Move binary to KYSOR

mv ./out/kyve-linux-x64 ~/.kysor/upgrades/pool-<id>/<version>/bin/